Making or restoring your own clothes airer is a great space saver and very practical way of drying or even storing your clothes.

These types of airers date back from the late eighteenth century onwards and were used in European laundry rooms and typically found in large houses or estates.

Our client Wagner wanted a video to show a restoration project of an old clothes airer.

In the video we cover using the pulley system, the airer is lowered so it can be easily loaded and unloaded, then raised to the height of the ceiling to move the clothes up into the warmer air.

As the clothes are out of the way this frees up valuable space in the room.

That was the content required for this video, if you also need videos produced but are not sure where to start, we can help.

Take a look at videos we have created for other clients where they have saved money by sharing the production costs with complementary products and brands on the same film set:

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About us

We create video and photography that showcases products being used in real environments on both job sites and domestic work.
We specialise in content creation for brands associated with Power Tools, DIY & Trade products.