A new wooden or metal staircase banister looks its best when it has been spray painted professionally.
Our client tesa wanted a video that showed which masking products to use before spray painting stairs. Whether it is painting an old staircase banister or a new handrail, as a professional, you deliver the perfect results for your customers using tesa tape.
You can of course paint a banister in the conventional way with a brush but this video shows to achieve a beautiful and even finish in a short time, using spray technology has many advantages. When painting a banister, it depends on whether it is a restoration or a new banister for how to approach it. During a restoration, you should first remove the old paint, as you would when painting with a brush. After sanding, mask the surrounding area. After masking, you can start applying the paint directly. To do this, spray the paint from a consistent distance onto the banister to achieve an even coverage of paint.
With new banisters made from wood or metal, it may also be necessary to use a primer before the actual painting process in order to guarantee the best hold and coverage of the paints used.
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Please see videos we have created for other clients where they have saved money by sharing the production costs with complementary products and brands on the same film set. https://www.demandmarketing.co.uk/complementary-brands/